
& Nick

ottawa, canada

“I tear up like every time I look through the photos because they are so magical and you just made it look so aesthetic. It went by so fast and I hate having my photo taken and was so nervous but there’s not a single photo that makes me cringe. You captured every emotion so perfectly, we both feel so lucky to have been able to have you there. We are just in awe of you and these photos. Thank you.”

- Megan & Nick

“I tear up like every time I look through the photos"

000513390001Katie & Andrew Outdoor Relaxed Wedding at Ottawa Tennis and Lawn Bowling Club Ottawa Ontario-29emily & tom film strip kodakTanya&Michael'sengagementphotosSummer'23-125Tiff&Brian'sweddingpreview-17Michaela&Enzo'sengagementphotos-92Elemental-Water by A Carleton Events-Sonia V Photography-5

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